from Rebecca Pappas' PLASTIC FLOW
I'm happy to share that 2 of my latest projects, have been selected for Dance Camera West Festival '22.
The Edge of Mercy - Features choreography and performance by Jennifer Rose.
Revolver - Features choreography and performance by Rosanna Tavarez.
The showing date has been postponed due to Omicron, but will be happening in March or April
I CARE! - Porticos Art Space, Pasadena
LA SALLE Fall Dance Concert
December 4, 6, 2021
Very happy to be back in the theatre LIVE with these fantastic young dancers from La Salle.
Featuring faculty and students choreography.
Visit for more information:
I'm teaching dance at La Salle College Preparatory
As of August, 2021, I've taken a job teaching at La Salle High School, here in Pasadena. Teaching High School is a new venture for me, but after too many hours in front of the computer in 2020 and 21, I wanted a teaching job focussed more in the studio, with less driving and more consistency. As much as I LOVED my ten years teaching dance film at CalARTS, I had to leave my post there in order to take this. I am still employed at PCC, and will hopefully be teaching there in addition to La Salle soon.
NOW Festival with Rosanna Tavarez
Happy to be collaborating with fabulous long time friend/colleague Rosanna Tavarez on her NOW festival premiere at REDCAT. I've created a projection design for this beautiful piece about immigration and generational understanding.
December 2, 3 - CONFLUENCE
Pasadena City College Dance Concert
Co-directed by Roberta Shaw & Cheryl Banks-Smith
come see this awesome concert of student and faculty work
I'm proud of my new piece DRAMARAMA!
December 1, 2 - VIRTUALITIES
Come see my piece EXPONENTIAL at this
awesome performing arts high school
AB MILLER in Fontana
Saturday, Sept. 24 – I’m performing in TASHLICH – with Deborah Rosen and Dancers
Tashlich is a dance/theatre piece integrating traditional contemporary Jewish folk dance, gesture, with original live music, live vocals, poetry, stories, and song.
The performers take the audience through a journey of introspection, exploration, and inspiration; rich in artistic expression and ceremonial customs UNIVERSAL TO ALL !!!
NOT TO BE MISSED …….. Tashlich is a very special work.
Friday Sept. 23 – PIETERLADES – 9AM
Join me for a core/conditioning class for dancers at PIETER.pasd!
***Robbie’s core/conditioning class combines practices of Pilates, Yoga, Bartinieff fundamentals, as well as ease and opening principles inspired by The Alexander Technique. She has completed a certification workshop in Pilates Matt from The Shepherd Method, and has taught extensively in the realm of alignment and conditioning.
July 28-30 – PLASTIC FLOW by Rebecca Pappas – REDCAT – NOW Festival
Thank you to all that were able to make it!
“Plastic Flow,” choreography by Rebecca Pappas. Presented as part of REDCAT’s New Original Works Festival, 2016. Photo by Steve Gunther © CalArts
TARP performance by ROBBIE SHAW
Please consider stopping by TARP – a pop-up gallery in ALTADENA – this SATURDAY night, 7/9 – 7:30 – 10:30pm.
I will be performing in this painted empty pool along with my fabulous colleagues Rebecca Pappas and Alexx Shilling.
Here’s the info –
Brook Perdigon at Tarp with a Performance by Robbie Shaw, Rebecca Pappas & Alexx Shilling
I will be teaching at PIETER in Lincoln Heights this Monday, May 9! $10!
420 W Avenue 33, Unit 10, Los Angeles, California 90031